
Showing posts from September, 2017

The First Day🏤 (My Story)

ALARM! ALARM! ALARM! I woke up in the morning and I did my normal morning routine well like brushing my teeth, getting ready for school e.c.t later, I found there was a different uniform lying on my bed. I called out to my mum and asked whose uniform was this. She replied with a terrible laugh saying, that was my new uniform for the new uniform I was going to go to from today. For the laugh that my mum had given to that quote, I felt like she was joking but she actually wasn’t, I really am going to a new school. I never knew I was going to a new school. I shouted, screamed my head off but after a few minutes of being so cranky my mum calmed me down slow and steadily. I asked her “Why do I have to move schools? Why can I not go to my old school?” My mum replied saying “You will be getting better education and getting dearer friends but was that true she also did say it is a much better school than my old one but was it. She said that if I went to the new school I can get sm...